Say Hi to vHIGH

Three years ago I created my blog. Unsure what direction I was heading in, I started posting and having fun with it. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me, something I like to do and something I like to believe I am good at. 

In the age of Tiktok, the Rundown, Instagram Reels, etc. blogging started becoming something of the past. No one wanted to spend more than 15 seconds to a minute on something – let alone read. Myself included, I became a victim of instant gratification on social media and scrolling endlessly. 

Don’t get me wrong – I love TikTok and continue to post on there as well (@ me). However, I think it’s important to remember why I started. It was never about what was cool or popular but rather the obsession I have for style, fashion, beauty, pop culture, finding bomb ass deals, and writing all about it for those who might care too.

About five months ago, I made a new Instagram. I post fashion and lifestyle content that I deem necessary or just make me happy. 

Today, I have *rebranded* my blog if you will, to be an extension of that Instagram page. Whether or not you have time to sit down and read a blog post, I invite you to follow my page. I am always open to new ideas, styling tips or recommendations, and anything else that could help you become vhighfashion.



Puffer Coats for Days

At first, I said I needed them because I was moving to the East coast. Then, it turned into needing every color to match my outfits. And now, I think it’s time to admit that I am simply *addicted* to puffers.

California or Pennsylvania – I don’t care, puffers are a wardrobe staple. I don’t know what it is about this year, whether you’re skiing or taking a walk around the block, you’re fit for a new puffer.

So, if you know anything about me it’s that I long for a Montcler– but not for the price tag. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to narrow down my top 5 affordable, not-so-classic puffer picks.

1. (P)leather Puffer

Who doesn’t love a pleather moment? When I saw this puffer on the Zara website, I knew I had to have it. I wasn’t obsessed with the $70 price tag, so when I found an exact dupe on Shein, I snatched that baby up. This puffer elevates any outfit; people will think you know what you’re doing when you’ve got this on.

2. Neutral Puffer Dream

This puffer has become a staple in my wardrobe. Not only is it so cute (it looks much better in person), but it feels thick and keeps you warm. I love to layer this puffer with a hoodie or a chunky sweater. It always takes my outfit to the next level.

3. Faux Fur Mini Puffer

Oh, Abercrombie… It’s like I can’t seem to let you go. When I saw my favorite blogger post in this puffer just the other day, I knew I needed it. It’s different, it’s chic, it’s brown, and it’s on sale.

4. The “Amazon Coat

I know this one is technically not a puffer from first glance, but we’re going to qualify it as a puffer. Apparently I am late to the game because everyone knows about this coat. You don’t know about the Amazon coat? It’s ok, I didn’t either. But apparently we’re the only ones because even Oprah featured it on her website last year.

Out of all the puffers, this is the only one I don’t currently own (probably not for much longer). But I have seen it in person, and it looks and feels much more expensive than it is!

5. Paisley Hooded Puffer

I was at dinner the other day and someone said “Your outfit is only as good as the jacket you’re wearing,” and it stuck with me. I’m obsessed with this bandana-style Adika puffer. It’s always good to have at least one jacket that’s out of the box, and this is definitely that. Not to mention it’s pink and sage – you’re going to be seeing a lot more of that this year! But I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this puffer is sure to elevate any outfit.

Which one is your favorite?



How To: Start 2021 Off Right

Hello queens & kings, happy 2021! After a year tougher than any other I’ve experienced in my lifetime, we finally made it. Whether you spent the New Year shacked up with a group of your closest friends or, if you’re like me, on the sofa with your favorite pair of heels (had them on for a whole hour, can you believe that?), a champagne flute topped off with Veuve, while watching Bridget Jones Diary – I hope your New Years was a good one, a happy one, and a safe one.

Seems like just my last post I was talking about my 2020 vision board – oh wait yeah that’s because I was and I was a major slacker on my blog this year. My apologies, sincerely. But, if you miss me please feel free to follow my fashion TikTok; we have fun over there.

Either way, it’s time to make a new vision board, and this is your friendly reminder. This year I’m doing it a little differently. For those who don’t know, I moved back to the east coast this year. Although I am very happy about the move – the actual moving part made me realize how much s t u f f I have accumulated over the years. Coming from the girl who prides herself on her minimalism, psh yeah right Phil, think again.

Anyways, saving you from my moving saga, I decided to take after the sabotage queens themselves @Emma, @Nitsan, @Sophie, and make my vision board via the web this year. Taking good ol’ Pinterest and Canva by storm.

A few Nespresso’s, some cuddles with Marco (the family Golden Doodle and my New Years kiss), and an overcrowded desktop later, my 2021 vision board is complete.

Take a look for yourself,

What do you think?

I’ll be waiting for yours over on Instagram.

Once again, happy new year to each and every one of you!

And finally, thank you for taking the time to read this post, I appreciate you.

Phil xx

Perfect Summer Hair w/ INH Hair Extensions

I don’t know if it’s because we’ve been quarantined and I haven’t seen the inside of a salon, but my hair situation has been all over the place. From box dye, to letting my roommate give me a trim, to growing a few inches, we’re definitely going through something. This is why, when my Insert Name Here remy human hair extensions arrived – I was beyond stoked

I have been obsessed with INH for over a year now – before even having tried the extensions. One of my favorite Youtubers at the time was always talking about this brand and looked amazing when she wore her extensions. I instantly followed their Instagram and followed along as they posted new wigs, extensions, and ponies. 

INH is a female founded (also vegan + cruelty free) hair company. They have so many options to choose from. These are the perfect alternative to sew in extensions (and a lot less $$). 

So when my INH package arrived at the door, I just about lost it. I received both the Brit pony and the 22″ U-Clip extensions

My first reaction was the packaging. Both of these pieces came in the cutest little purple zip up bags, individually wrapped, looking stunning and sleek. The detailing on this packaging was unreal – from a satin dust bag to store your extensions, to a sample hair piece you can test out before opening the main compartment (if you decide the color doesn’t match and want to exchange). I absolutely loved everything about this packaging.

The Brit Pony 

I chose to test out the Brit pony first, maybe because I was trying to channel my inner Ariana Grande as fast as I could. I had seen a few videos prior on how to apply this pony and it seemed fairly simple. This piece is long, 26 inches to be exact, flips out at the bottom, and has one hair piece attached at the top to wrap around the pony. I realized it would be nearly impossible for me to explain how I put it on, so naturally, I decided to record a TikTok. Watch below to see me test out the stunning Brit Pony for the first time. 

I love this pony, it is so sleek and elegant. I obviously already have pretty long hair but I will never turn down some extra volume and length. The Brit pony adds that extra glam that I would want if I am going to a fancy dinner, maybe a social distanced gathering, or anywhere that I want to really dress up and feel like a badass bitch – basically. 

22 Inch U-Clip Extensions 

Theeeese extensions, now, if you’re looking for some extra volume and length but you don’t have the time for the long process of putting in extensions – these are for you. The U-Clip allows you to clip in the extensions across your whole head, in one piece. They are so convenient they make it so easy to pop them on and look like effing rapunzel. Of course, if you want to style and curl them it could take you a bit more time because they’re long and luscious but that comes with all long hair. I have pin straight hair so I thought I would have to curl all the hair to have everything blend, but they ended up looking just as fire with me keeping my hair straight. In case my first Tiktok wasn’t enough for you, here’s another one on how I would style my U-Clip extensions Monday through Sunday.

Like I mentioned earlier, my hair is straight as a board and barely holds a curl. These remy human hair extensions allow me to live all my Negin Mirsalehi hair dreams. My next INH purchase will be the Shayla pony – she’s 26 inches, wavy, and a lot cooler than I am. Go check out Insert Name Here for yourself and see which piece calls out your name. Let me know in the comments what you pick up and if you’re tryna go to a fancy dinner so we can match in our hair extensions. 

Love y’all and love INH


Creating A Vision Board That Actually Works

Truth be told, I first wrote this post in January 2020. Boy, have things changed. I juggled with the idea of posting about a vision board since I think we can all agree that our future feels very uncertain right now. I don’t know where I’ll be three months from now – let alone 3 days from now (probably still sitting in my apartment).

As things in LA start to shut down again and the thought of another quarantine circles my head, it’s been hard to find a light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve realized as these long days and short months go by, that it is extremely important to keep a positive mindset even when you feel like the world is high key falling apart.

Having this extra time at home gives us all an opportunity to think about what we want to accomplish once all of this is over. Not to mention, we now have the time to make the first step. So without further ado, here is the tea on how I made my vision board + how you can too!


I first started making these boards in 2017 because my mom had the idea and made us all do them on Christmas. My siblings and I ~reluctantly~ agreed and it ended up being a super fun tradition (aka we haven’t done it again but I am going to make it a tradition) that I really enjoy. I like being able to look back at what I was hoping to achieve throughout the year and see what changed, what worked, and how far I’ve come since then.

So – today I’m going to break down how I like to do the vision boards and I’ll also share what my 2020 vision board looks like. I hope this motivates you to also make your vision board and inspires you to set goals for now and for when COVID is over.

1. Ask someone to do this with you

(Almost) everything is better shared with a friend, a significant other, or just anyone you enjoy spending time with. Ask someone, or if your friends are like mine, tell someone that they are going to make a vision board with you – it will be fun, it will be motivating, and they won’t regret it.

2. Gather your supplies


There aren’t many supplies but you will be needing some key ingredients to make the best vision board.

1 – Posterboard, I would recommend the type that isn’t flimsy so it’s easy to put up and doesn’t look like your fourth-grade science fair project… I should probably take my own advice because I got the flimsy kind.

2 – Scissors, you ever made a collage before?

3 – Magazines on magazines, from Vogue to Travel + Leisure to Time, pick up anything you can find around the house!

4 – Glue, stick, gun, Elmer’s, tacky – do what you want it’s not like I need a play by play.

3. Make a night out of it – cute drinks, snacks, etc.


Now that you’ve ordered supplies from Amazon or scavenged your house for old magazines, you’re going to want to make sure to get the more important, more caloric, supplies. Some wine and cheese, as we did, or whatever it is that you can order for take out – support your local small businesses!

4. Start tearing through those magazines

This is my favorite part. Tear out every and any page that inspires you, motivates you, or makes you happy. I like tearing through those magazines and not thinking too much about it. Pull out the whole page, you’ll come back to it later and decide what you want to keep and what you’ll toss.

5. Layout


For the layout, you’ll want to first start by thinking about what your goals and aspirations are in your life. Vision boards are a great way to be creative and you don’t have to follow any rules – you’re free to do whatever you want. For me personally, I like to separate my short term goals from my long term. I like to set it up so it reads like a story starting from the left and moving towards the right as my life goes on.

Start looking through everything you’ve set aside once you have an idea of how you want your vision board to look. Now, lay out all of your photos and play with them until they look perfect to you!

6. Paste

Once you’re ready to commit – paste those babies on.

7. Present

I always love this part because it lets you see what your friends are looking to achieve in their lives that you might not realize already. Also, it lets you speak about your vision board and hear what you want to achieve that year out loud.

8. Put it in a place where you’ll see it every day

I put mine up behind my bedroom door that way I see it every morning when I wake up and walk out of my room and every night when I shut my door for bed. I can’t explain how rewarding it feels to see something on there and realize I have accomplished that goal.


I hope you take this into consideration the next time you’re sitting on your couch telling your brother, sister, roommate, mom, dad, or pet that you are bored and you don’t know what to do. I know it can sound super cheese but I really believe taking the steps to acknowledge your goals is only going to make you feel better and help motivate you to achieve them. Times are tough rn, but it’s all about your mindset. So why not try doing something that will help you better it?? Asking for a friend.

Love you guys,


P.S. Send pics of your boards if you decide to give it a try!

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